Thank You For Your Order!

Order Number: #{{ $data->first()->number }}

We’ll let you know when your Caring Box is on the way!

@php $subTotal = null; $totalDiscount = null; $totalPayment = null; $totalShipping = null; $discountCodes = null; @endphp @if($data && $data->count() > 0) @foreach($data as $key => $invoice) @if($invoice->dataEntries->count() > 0) @foreach($invoice->dataEntries as $item) @endforeach @if($invoice->additionalItems->count() > 0) @foreach($invoice->additionalItems as $addonItem) @php $total_amt = $addonItem->price*$addonItem->pivot->quantity; @endphp @endforeach @endif @php $subTotal += $invoice->sub_total ?? 0.00; $totalDiscount += $invoice->total_discount ?? 0.00; if($invoice->discountCoupon && $invoice->discountCoupon->code){ if($discountCodes){ $discountCodes .= ", ".$invoice->discountCoupon->code; }else{ $discountCodes .= $invoice->discountCoupon->code; } } $totalPayment += $invoice->total_payment ?? 0.00; if($invoice->delivery_type == config('constants.ship_out_val') && $invoice->openBox->count() > 0){ $totalShipping += $invoice->openBox->last()->shipping_cost; $totalPayment += $totalShipping ?? 0.00; }else{ $totalShipping += $invoice->shipping_cost ?? 0.00; } @endphp @endif @endforeach @endif
Subtotal ${{ presentPrice($subTotal) ?? "0.00" }}
Shipping ${{ presentPrice($totalShipping) ?? "0.00" }}
Discount {{ ($discountCodes) ? '('.$discountCodes.')' : "" }} ${{ presentPrice($totalDiscount) ?? "0.00" }}
TOTAL ${{ $totalPayment }}
Payment Method @if($data->first()->payment_method_id != 0 && $data->first()->payment_method_id != NULL) {{ $data->first()->paymentMethod->name ?? "-" }} @elseif($data->first()->payment_method_id == 0) Paypal @else - @endif
@php $delivery_address = json_decode($data->first()->delivery_address); @endphp

Delivery Address


Name: {{ $delivery_address->full_name ?? "" }}

Address: {{ $delivery_address->address ?? "" }}, {{ $delivery_address->postal_code ?? "" }}

Phone Number: {{ $delivery_address->phone_number ?? "" }}


Not added yet!


Estimated Delivery Date

@php if($data->first()->shipout_duration_days == 0){ $shipoutDuration = $data->shipout_duration; }else{ $shipoutDuration = $data->first()->shipout_duration_days; } @endphp

{{ date('d, M Y',strtotime($data->first()->expected_delivery_date)) }} to {{ date('d, M Y',strtotime($data->first()->expected_delivery_date. ' + '.$shipoutDuration.' days'))}}

Any Questions?

You can reach us by calling {{ config('constants.support_contact_number') }}

Or email us at {{ config('constants.support_email_address') }}